
Unit conversions for various measurements

CGS System of Units Converter
Convert between CGS (centimeter-gram-second) and other unit systems.
Angle Converter
Convert between different angle measurements like degrees, radians, and grads.
Years to Decades Calculator
Convert time periods between years and decades.
Time Unit Converter
Convert between different units of time measurement.
Minutes to Hours Converter
Convert time measurements between minutes and hours.
Military Time Converter
Convert between 24-hour military time and 12-hour standard time.
Unix Time Converter
Convert between Unix timestamps and human-readable dates.
MB to GB Converter
Convert data storage sizes between megabytes (MB) and gigabytes (GB).
Mbps to Gbps Converter
Convert internet speed measurements between Mbps and Gbps.
Mbps Calculator
Calculate and convert network speeds in megabits per second (Mbps).
kB to MB Converter
Convert data sizes from kilobytes (kB) to megabytes (MB).
Capacitance Converter
Convert between different capacitance units (pF, nF, µF, etc.).
Byte Conversion Calculator
Convert between different byte units (KB, MB, GB, TB, etc.).
Roman Numerals Converter
Convert between Roman numerals and decimal numbers.
Decimal to Octal Converter
Convert decimal numbers to octal format.
Decimal to Hexadecimal Converter
Convert decimal numbers to hexadecimal format.
Binary to Octal Converter
Convert binary numbers to octal format efficiently.
Binary to Hexadecimal Converter
Convert binary numbers to hexadecimal format with ease.
Binary Converter
Convert between binary and decimal number systems.
Number to Million Converter
Convert regular numbers to millions with proper formatting.
Number to Billion Converter
Convert regular numbers to billions with proper formatting.
Million to Thousand Converter
Convert million values to thousands for easier comprehension.
Million to Lakh Converter
Convert between million (international) and lakh (Indian) number systems.
Million to Billion Converter
Convert between million and billion values accurately.
Crore to Million Converter
Convert between crore (Indian system) and million (international system).
Crore to Lakh Converter
Convert between crore and lakh values in the Indian numbering system.
Billion to Trillion Converter
Convert between billion and trillion values with ease and accuracy.
Scale Calculator
Calculate measurements and conversions between different map and drawing scales.
Lat Long to UTM Converter
Convert coordinates between Latitude/Longitude and UTM formats.
Degrees Minutes Seconds Calculator
Convert between decimal degrees and degrees, minutes, seconds format.
Coordinates Converter
Convert between different coordinate formats and reference systems.
Torr to atm Conversion
Convert pressure measurements between Torr and atmospheres (atm).
Torque to hp Calculator
Convert between torque and horsepower at different RPMs.
PSI to GPM Calculator
Calculate flow rate (GPM) from pressure (PSI) for hydraulic systems.
Pressure Conversion
Convert between different pressure units including PSI, bar, Pascal, and atmospheres.
Nm to ft-lbs Converter
Convert torque measurements between Newton-meters (Nm) and foot-pounds (ft-lbs).
Newton Meter Calculator
Calculate and convert Newton-meters for torque measurements.
Lbs to Newtons Converter
Convert between pounds-force (lbf) and Newtons (N).
Inch-Pounds to Foot-Pounds Converter
Convert between inch-pounds and foot-pounds for torque measurements.
Force Converter
Convert between different units of force and pressure.
Weight Converter
Convert between various weight and mass units.
Volume Conversion
Convert between different units of volume and capacity.
Quarts to Pounds Conversion
Convert quarts to pounds for different materials and substances.
Pounds and Ounces Calculator
Convert between pounds and ounces, and perform weight calculations.
Pint to Pound Conversion
Convert pints to pounds for various liquids and substances.
Milliliters to Cups Converter
Convert milliliters (mL) to cups for cooking and baking.
Milligrams to Milliliters Calculator
Convert milligrams (mg) to milliliters (mL) for solution preparations.
Micrograms to Milligrams Converter
Convert micrograms (mcg) to milligrams (mg) for precise measurements.
Liters to Centiliters Converter
Convert liters to centiliters for precise liquid measurements.
Kilograms to Gallons Converter
Convert kilograms to gallons for liquid weight conversions.
Grams to Ounces Calculator
Convert grams to ounces for precise weight measurements.
Gallons to Pounds Converter
Convert gallons to pounds for different liquids and materials.
Gallon Calculator
Convert gallons to various liquid measurement units.
Ounces to Cups Converter
Convert ounces (oz) to cups for accurate cooking measurements.
Drops to ml Conversion
Convert between drops and milliliters for precise liquid measurements.
Decagram to Gram Converter
Convert between decagrams and grams for precise weight measurements.
Cubic Yards to Tons Calculator
Convert cubic yards to tons for various materials and construction needs.
Cubic Meter Calculator
Calculate and convert cubic meter measurements for volume calculations.
Cubic Feet Calculator
Calculate and convert cubic feet measurements for volume calculations.
CCF to Gallons Conversion
Convert CCF (Centum Cubic Feet) to gallons for water usage calculations.
Feet and Inches Calculator
Calculate and convert measurements in feet and inches.
Decimeter to Meter
Convert measurements between decimeters and meters.
Astronomical Unit Calculator
Convert between astronomical units and other distance measurements.
Ares to Hectares
Convert between ares and hectares land measurements.
Area Converter
Convert between different area measurement units.
Acreage Calculator
Convert between acres and other land measurement units.
Pixels to Inches Converter
Convert between pixels and inches for digital and print measurements.
Mesh to Micron Converter
Convert between mesh sizes and microns for particle size analysis.
Light Year Conversion
Convert between light years and other astronomical distance units.
Length Converter
Convert between different units of length and distance measurements.
Inches to Fraction Calculator
Convert decimal inches to fractional measurements with precision.
Height in Inches Calculator
Convert height measurements to inches and calculate height-related metrics.