Inches to Fraction Calculator
Convert decimal inches to fractions and find the nearest common fraction measurements
Converting decimal inches to fractions is simple:
- Enter your decimal measurement in inches (e.g., 1.25, 2.75)
- Click the "Calculate" button
- View the results showing exact fraction, mixed number, and nearest common fraction
- Use the result that best fits your needs (exact or common fraction)
The calculator provides multiple representations:
- Exact Fraction: The most precise fractional representation of your decimal
- Mixed Number: Combines whole numbers with fractions for easier reading
- Nearest Common Fraction: Rounds to the closest standard fraction (1/8, 1/4, 3/8, etc.)
- Original Decimal: Shows your input for verification
Standard fractional measurements typically use these increments:
- 1/8 inch (0.125)
- 1/4 inch (0.25)
- 3/8 inch (0.375)
- 1/2 inch (0.5)
- 5/8 inch (0.625)
- 3/4 inch (0.75)
- 7/8 inch (0.875)
These fractions are commonly used in construction, woodworking, and other practical applications.
- Woodworking measurements and calculations
- Construction and building projects
- DIY home improvements
- Tool and material specifications
- Converting digital measurements to standard fractions
- Technical drawing and drafting
Why do I need to convert decimals to fractions?
Most measuring tools and construction plans use fractional measurements. Converting decimals to fractions helps match these standard measurements and ensures accuracy in your projects.
Which fraction should I use: exact or common?
Use common fractions for most practical applications, as they match standard measuring tools. Use exact fractions when maximum precision is required or when working with specialized equipment.
How accurate is the nearest common fraction?
The calculator finds the closest standard fraction (in eighths) to your decimal. The maximum difference is 1/16 inch (0.0625), which is acceptable for most applications.