Length Converter Calculator

Convert between different units of length with precision and ease

Length Converter

Enter the length value to convert

How to Use the Length Converter

Converting between length units is straightforward:

  • Enter the value you want to convert
  • Select the unit you're converting from
  • Click "Convert" to see results in all units
  • View the converted values in metric, imperial, and nautical units
Length Unit Definitions

Metric Units

  • Kilometer (km): 1,000 meters, used for long distances
  • Meter (m): Base unit of length in metric system
  • Centimeter (cm): 1/100 of a meter, for small measurements
  • Millimeter (mm): 1/1000 of a meter, for precise measurements

Imperial/US Units

  • Mile (mi): 5,280 feet, used for long distances
  • Yard (yd): 3 feet, common in fabric and sports
  • Foot (ft): 12 inches, standard construction unit
  • Inch (in): Small measurements and displays


  • Nautical Mile (nmi): Based on earth's circumference, used in marine navigation and aviation
Conversion Formulas

Key conversion factors between units:

  • 1 kilometer = 1000 meters = 0.621371 miles
  • 1 mile = 1.60934 kilometers = 1760 yards
  • 1 yard = 0.9144 meters = 3 feet
  • 1 foot = 0.3048 meters = 12 inches
  • 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters = 25.4 millimeters
  • 1 nautical mile = 1.852 kilometers = 1.15078 miles
Practical Applications
  • Construction and engineering measurements
  • Navigation and travel distance calculations
  • Sports field and track measurements
  • International shipping and logistics
  • Scientific research and calculations
  • DIY and home improvement projects
  • Cartography and mapping
  • Aviation and marine navigation
Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we need different units of length?

Different units serve different purposes and historical contexts. Metric units are scientific and decimal-based, while imperial units evolved from human-scale measurements. Nautical units relate to navigation and earth's geometry.

Which system should I use?

The metric system is standard in most countries and scientific work. However, imperial units are still common in the US and UK for certain applications. Choose based on your location and specific needs.

How accurate are the conversions?

Our calculator uses precise conversion factors and displays results with appropriate significant figures. For most practical purposes, these conversions are more than accurate enough.