Lat Long to UTM Converter

Lat Long to UTM Converter

Enter latitude in decimal degrees (-90 to 90)

Enter longitude in decimal degrees (-180 to 180)

Understanding Coordinate Systems

Latitude/Longitude (Geographic Coordinates)

Geographic coordinates use latitude and longitude to specify locations on Earth's surface. Latitude measures distance north or south of the equator (-90° to 90°), while longitude measures distance east or west of the prime meridian (-180° to 180°).

Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)

UTM is a grid-based system that divides Earth into 60 north-south zones. Each zone is 6° wide in longitude. Locations are specified by zone number, hemisphere (N/S), easting (distance east from zone's central meridian), and northing (distance north from the equator).

UTM Grid System

Zone Numbers

UTM zones are numbered 1-60, starting at 180° longitude and increasing eastward. Each zone is 6° wide, with zone 1 spanning 180°W to 174°W and zone 60 spanning 174°E to 180°E.

Easting and Northing

Easting values range from 160,000 to 840,000 meters, with 500,000m at the central meridian. Northing values range from 0 to 10,000,000 meters, with 0m at the equator for northern hemisphere and 10,000,000m at the equator for southern hemisphere.

Common Applications

  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Topographic Mapping
  • Land Surveying
  • Military Operations
  • Navigation and GPS Systems
  • Resource Management
  • Scientific Research
  • Construction and Engineering

Conversion Tips

  • Verify the UTM zone when converting from Lat/Long to ensure accuracy.
  • Remember that UTM coordinates are always positive numbers, with hemisphere (N/S) indicating position relative to the equator.
  • UTM is most accurate within each zone's 6° width; use caution near zone boundaries.
  • For high-precision applications, consider the datum (e.g., WGS84) being used.
  • Double-check conversions, especially for critical applications like surveying or navigation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why use UTM coordinates?

UTM coordinates offer advantages for mapping and measuring distances because they use meters as units and provide a regular grid system. This makes them particularly useful for local and regional mapping projects.

How accurate are the conversions?

Our calculator uses the WGS84 datum and provides accuracy typically within a few meters. For most applications, this level of precision is sufficient. However, for high-precision surveying, professional-grade tools should be used.

What are the limitations of UTM?

UTM is most accurate within ±80° latitude and within each zone's 6° width. Near zone boundaries or in polar regions, other coordinate systems may be more appropriate. The system also has scale distortion that increases away from the central meridian.