Coordinates Converter

Coordinates Converter

Enter latitude in decimal degrees (-90 to 90)

Enter longitude in decimal degrees (-180 to 180)

Understanding Coordinate Formats

Decimal Degrees (DD)

Decimal Degrees is the simplest format, expressing latitude and longitude as decimal numbers. Positive values indicate north latitude and east longitude, while negative values represent south latitude and west longitude.

Example: 40.7128°N, 74.0060°W

Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS)

DMS breaks down coordinates into degrees (°), minutes ('), and seconds ("). One degree equals 60 minutes, and one minute equals 60 seconds. This format is traditionally used in navigation and surveying.

Example: 40° 42' 45.6"N, 74° 00' 21.6"W

Degrees Decimal Minutes (DDM)

DDM is a hybrid format that uses degrees and decimal minutes. It's commonly used in aviation and marine navigation, offering a balance between precision and readability.

Example: 40° 42.76'N, 74° 00.36'W

Conversion Formulas


DD = Degrees + (Minutes/60) + (Seconds/3600)
For southern latitudes and western longitudes, multiply the result by -1.


Degrees = Integer part of DD
Minutes = Integer part of (|DD - Degrees| × 60)
Seconds = (|DD - Degrees| × 60 - Minutes) × 60


Degrees = Integer part of DD
Decimal Minutes = |DD - Degrees| × 60

Common Applications

  • GPS Navigation and Mapping
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Aviation and Marine Navigation
  • Land Surveying and Property Boundaries
  • Weather Forecasting and Climate Studies
  • Location-Based Services and Applications
  • Scientific Research and Data Collection
  • Emergency Response and Search Operations

Conversion Tips

  • Always verify the hemisphere (N/S for latitude, E/W for longitude) when converting coordinates.
  • Remember that latitude ranges from -90° to 90°, while longitude ranges from -180° to 180°.
  • When working with DMS, ensure minutes and seconds are properly converted to their decimal equivalents.
  • Double-check your conversions, especially for critical applications like navigation or surveying.
  • Consider the required precision for your specific application when choosing a coordinate format.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which coordinate format should I use?

The choice depends on your application. DD is preferred for digital applications and calculations, DMS is common in traditional navigation and surveying, and DDM offers a good balance for aviation and marine use.

How accurate are coordinate conversions?

Our converter maintains high precision, but the practical accuracy depends on the input data quality and the number of decimal places used. For most applications, conversions are accurate to within a few centimeters.

Why do my converted coordinates look different?

Different formats represent the same location in different ways. For example, 40.5° in DD is the same as 40° 30' 0" in DMS. The actual location remains the same despite the different representations.