Milliliters to Cups Calculator

Convert volume from milliliters to various cup measurements

Milliliters to Cups Calculator

Enter the volume in milliliters

Select the type of cup for accurate conversion

Understanding Cup Measurements

Cup measurements are commonly used in cooking and baking, but their exact volume can vary depending on the country and system of measurement. Here are the key relationships:

  • 1 US Cup = 236.588 mL
  • 1 Metric Cup = 250 mL
  • 1 Imperial Cup = 284.131 mL
  • 1 Japanese Cup = 200 mL
  • 1 Traditional Chinese Cup = 237 mL
Different Types of Cups

US Cup

The standard in US recipes. One US cup equals 8 fluid ounces or 236.588 milliliters. This is the most common cup measurement in North American recipes.

Metric Cup

Used in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. One metric cup equals 250 milliliters. This standardized measurement is part of the metric system.

Imperial Cup

Traditional British measurement. One imperial cup equals 284.131 milliliters. Still used in some older British recipes.

Japanese Cup

Used in Japanese cooking. One Japanese cup (1 合, gō) equals 200 milliliters. Common in Japanese and some Asian recipes.

Traditional Chinese Cup

Used in Chinese cooking. One traditional Chinese cup equals 237 milliliters. Found in traditional Chinese recipes.

Conversion Formulas

Common volume conversions for US cups:

1 Cup = 8 Fluid Ounces

1 Cup = 16 Tablespoons

1 Cup = 48 Teaspoons

1 Cup = 236.588 Milliliters

Remember that these conversions may vary depending on the type of cup measurement being used.

Practical Uses

This conversion is essential for:

  • Converting international recipes
  • Scaling recipes up or down
  • Following recipes from different countries
  • Professional cooking and baking
  • Food manufacturing and production
  • Nutritional calculations
Frequently Asked Questions

Why are there different cup measurements?

Different countries developed their own standard measurements before international standardization. These variations persist in traditional recipes and cooking practices around the world.

Which cup measurement should I use?

Use the cup measurement specified in your recipe. If not specified, use the cup measurement common in the recipe's country of origin (e.g., US cups for American recipes, metric cups for Australian recipes).