Nm to ft-lbs Converter

Convert between Newton-meters (Nm) and foot-pounds (ft⋅lb) for torque measurements

Nm to ft-lbs Converter

Enter the torque value to convert

Understanding Torque Units

Torque is a measure of rotational force, commonly used in engineering and mechanics. The two most common units for measuring torque are:

  • Newton-meters (Nm): The SI unit for torque, representing the force of one newton applied at a distance of one meter from the axis of rotation.
  • Foot-pounds (ft⋅lb): The imperial unit for torque, representing the force of one pound applied at a distance of one foot from the axis of rotation.
Conversion Formula

To convert between Newton-meters and foot-pounds:

  • 1 Newton-meter (Nm) = 0.7375621493 foot-pounds (ft⋅lb)
  • 1 foot-pound (ft⋅lb) = 1.355817948 Newton-meters (Nm)

These conversion factors are based on the relationship between the metric and imperial measurement systems.

Common Applications

Torque measurements are commonly used in:

  • Automotive engineering (engine specifications, bolt tightening)
  • Industrial machinery and equipment
  • Power tools and fastening applications
  • Mechanical design and engineering
  • Construction and assembly operations
Conversion Tips
  • Always verify the required torque unit for your application
  • Double-check your conversions when working with critical applications
  • Consider using a torque wrench calibrated in the desired unit of measurement
  • Keep in mind that some specifications may list both units for clarity
Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we need to convert between Nm and ft-lbs?

Different regions and industries use different measurement systems. While metric units (Nm) are standard in many countries, imperial units (ft-lbs) are still common in the US and some other regions.

Which unit is more commonly used?

Newton-meters (Nm) are more commonly used in international standards and modern specifications, while foot-pounds (ft-lbs) are more prevalent in American specifications and older documentation.

How accurate are these conversions?

The conversions are highly accurate, using precise conversion factors. However, when working with critical applications, it's important to use calibrated tools and follow manufacturer specifications.