Grams to Ounces Calculator
Convert grams to ounces and other weight units
Weight can be measured in both metric and imperial units. Here are the key relationships:
- 1 gram = 0.035274 ounces
- 1 gram = 0.002205 pounds
- 1 gram = 1,000 milligrams
- 1 ounce = 28.3495 grams
- 1 pound = 453.592 grams
To convert between different weight units:
Ounces = Grams × 0.035274
Pounds = Grams × 0.002205
Milligrams = Grams × 1000
These formulas are used in our calculator to provide accurate conversions between different weight units.
Here are some common gram to ounce conversions:
- 28.35 grams = 1 ounce
- 100 grams = 3.53 ounces
- 250 grams = 8.82 ounces
- 500 grams = 17.64 ounces
- 1000 grams (1 kg) = 35.27 ounces
This conversion is useful in many situations:
- Cooking and baking with international recipes
- Scientific measurements and experiments
- Medicine and pharmaceutical dosing
- Food packaging and labeling
- Dietary tracking and meal planning
- International shipping and postage
Why do recipes use different weight units?
Different countries use different measurement systems. The United States commonly uses imperial units (ounces, pounds), while most other countries use metric units (grams, kilograms).
Which is more accurate: grams or ounces?
Grams are generally considered more precise for small measurements because they are a smaller unit. This is why scientific and pharmaceutical measurements typically use metric units.