CCF to Gallons Conversion Calculator


About CCF to Gallons Conversion

CCF (Centum Cubic Feet) is a unit of measurement commonly used by utility companies to measure water usage. 1 CCF equals 100 cubic feet of water, which is equivalent to 748.052 gallons.

How to Use

  1. Enter your CCF value in the input field
  2. The calculator will instantly show the equivalent in gallons
  3. Results are rounded to 2 decimal places for precision

Common Conversions

  • 1 CCF = 748.052 gallons
  • 2 CCF = 1,496.104 gallons
  • 5 CCF = 3,740.26 gallons
  • 10 CCF = 7,480.52 gallons

Why Use This Calculator?

  • Understand your water bill better
  • Plan water usage and conservation
  • Compare water consumption across different measurement systems
  • Quick and accurate conversions for utility calculations