CCF to Gallons Conversion Calculator
GallonsAbout CCF to Gallons Conversion
CCF (Centum Cubic Feet) is a unit of measurement commonly used by utility companies to measure water usage. 1 CCF equals 100 cubic feet of water, which is equivalent to 748.052 gallons.
How to Use
- Enter your CCF value in the input field
- The calculator will instantly show the equivalent in gallons
- Results are rounded to 2 decimal places for precision
Common Conversions
- 1 CCF = 748.052 gallons
- 2 CCF = 1,496.104 gallons
- 5 CCF = 3,740.26 gallons
- 10 CCF = 7,480.52 gallons
Why Use This Calculator?
- Understand your water bill better
- Plan water usage and conservation
- Compare water consumption across different measurement systems
- Quick and accurate conversions for utility calculations